Profil pacienta
Filip Škorpík Věk: 27 let
Vyplněnost profilu
Údaje o pacientvi
  • Pohlaví: Muž
  • Jméno: Filip
  • Příjmení: Škorpík
  • Datum narození: 18.11.1996
  • Váš věk: 27 let
  • Zaměstnání pacienta
  • Pozice: fyzioterapeut
  • Firma: Mobilní fyzioterapie s.r.o.
  • Bydliště pacienta
  • Ulice / č.p.: Malá Losenice 18
  • Město: Velká Losenice
  • PSČ: 59211
  • Kontaktní údaje:
  • Telefon: +420728180288
  • Email:

VÝSLEDKY: Diagnostický dotazník

Výsledek testu k datu: 15.3.2021

  • Hlava Získáno: 390 z 390 bodů
  • Krk Získáno: 310 z 360 bodů
  • Pravé rameno, lopatka, paže Získáno: 330 z 330 bodů
  • Levé rameno, lopatka, paže Získáno: 330 z 330 bodů
  • Pravá ruka Získáno: 360 z 360 bodů
  • Levá ruka Získáno: 360 z 360 bodů
  • Hrudník, páteř, žebra Získáno: 360 z 360 bodů
  • Bedra, dolní část zad Získáno: 330 z 390 bodů
  • Pravá kyčel Získáno: 390 z 390 bodů
  • Levá kyčel Získáno: 390 z 390 bodů
  • Pravé koleno Získáno: 360 z 360 bodů
  • Levé koleno Získáno: 280 z 360 bodů
  • Pravá noha Získáno: 390 z 390 bodů
  • Levá noha Získáno: 390 z 390 bodů
CELKOVÉ ZDRAVÍZískáno 1300 bodů z 1500
ERGONOMIE-MANUÁLNÍZískáno 2895 bodů z 3775
ZRAKZískáno 250 bodů z 300
MENTÁLNÍ ZDRAVÍZískáno 475 bodů z 600
AKTIVITAZískáno 50 bodů z 100
soukromá zpráva

Finding like abroad is a wonderful experience, whether you fall head over heels with someone in another nation or are just interested in the alternatives. However, it can be challenging to understand the dissimilarities between different sociable traditions and cultures.

Discover the tales of three globe-trotting people who found happiness abroad. You’ll get open to like and everything it has to provide as a result of their experience.


Located in south America, Colombia is a nation of substantial contrasts. Lofty snowfall- tipped mountains surge from subtropical forests and scrublands where surviving aboriginal groups maintain their traditions. Coffee and another farm products are available in the cool massifs and the hill varies.

Spanish colonial towns and haciendas coexist with rural communities where mestizo farmers grow wheat and corn ( maize ) in the highlands. Like many other Spanish American states, Colombia is an top midsection- money economy. The business depends largely on agriculture and assets such as petrol, coal, gold, coffee and gemstones.

Dating someone from another land opens up fresh viewpoints and experience. It may take some time to find the right man, and it’s perfectly ordinary to „kiss a several insects“ along the way. However, finding a real companion is pay off in the long run. She is thrilled that he plans to acquire his clean cards so they can sit together in the united states because the two enjoy music, dancing, and the arts.


Working abroad is be interesting, but it can also be lonely for solitary foreigners looking for love. It’s crucial to view dating with little expectation and flexibility about the experience. Realize that not everyone is a match and that it’s fine to „kiss a some amphibians“ before you find your prince/princess.

Thailand is a Southeast asian nation known for its lavish aristocratic buildings, lavish churches, and elaborate temples decorated with Buddha statues. A peaceful canalside community and renowned shrines like Wat Arun and Wat Pho are among the sights of Bangkok’s ultra-modern city, which stands next to Bangkok’s funds. In addition, the nation is active in developing worldwide cooperation to advance the Sustainable development goals and address world issues like foodstuff protection, culture modify, economic decay, and infectious diseases.

There are many different ways to interact with Itw ( in the wild ) while living abroad, but it can be difficult. Consider joining a neighborhood gym or juice pub to meet like-minded individuals who share your passion for health and wellness as an example.


If the dating process here has frustrated you, it might be time to try something different. Contemplate making this your period of „yes“ rather than settling for the person who asks you up. That entails accepting dates even if they do n’t appear to be in the first place.

In the eastern Pacific Ocean, the Philippines are a tropical island nation. The capital, Manila, is located on the island of luzon. The country is home to 7, 000 territories, including more than 100 key versions.

Lakes and rivers abound throughout the region’s hilly surroundings, and coastal prairies stretches north and south. The Philippines have more than 30 regional parks that sell walking, valley riding, habitat noticing, and snorkeling. They furthermore boast renowned places such as the Chocolate Hills on the island of Bohol. As far as the attention you see, these normal formations resemble those from another continent.


Making new friends and traveling abroad can be exhilarating experiences. Yet, it’s important to keep in mind that relationships may take period and that their outcomes might not be what you expected. Dating in a foreign nation may be eye-opening and teach you about your own connections at home, whether it turns into joyfully always after or just another trip.

Top 7 Colombian Dating Websites That Foster Real Connections Brazil occupies half of the South American peninsula and has six main ecosystems, including the Amazon Basin forest, the Pantanal wetlands bordering Paraguay and Bolivia, the Cerrado or desert method of northern Brazil, the Caatinga or thorny bushland habitat of northeast Brazil, and the Pampas or rich lowland grasslands in the South.

With their vivaciousness and lifelong passion, Brazilian females continue to attract men all over the world. But they also prioritize health and nicely- being, which can be a relaxing improvement to your relation. Just be patient while traveling and be prepared to „kiss a dozen insects.“